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Summer 2020 Newsletter BEDFORD NH Roads

Jeff Foote

Transfer Station: In honor of Independence Day, the Transfer Station will be closed on Friday, July 3, 2020 and Saturday, July 4, 2020. There will be Extended hours on Tuesday, 07/07/2020, 7:00 am 7:00 pm Regular Hours: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday & Saturday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm 8:30 am – 5:00 pm 8:30 am – 7:00 pm 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Closed on Sunday & Monday Tuesday: Friday: Saturday: The Swap Shop Hours: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm 10:00 am – 2:00 pm 10:00 am – 5:00 pm All vehicles using the Transfer Station must have a sticker. Transfer Station stickers are available to residents only and can be obtained during the normal hours of operation. Residents are allowed 2 stickers per household and you must have that vehiclewhen obtaining the sticker. Driver’s license and vehicle registration (with proof of Bedford residency) is required to obtain a Transfer Station sticker. New residents may bring closing paperwork, a utility bill, or any document reflecting your new address. No commercial vehicles.

Household Hazardous Waste Day Saturday, June 27, 2020 Bedford Highway Garage 19 Chubbuck Road 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Spring Cleaning? Need to toss out old chemicals, oil based paint from your closets, basement and garage! The Town of Bedford, NH will be holding their Annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day. This is a one day event for Bedford residents to dispose of unwanted household hazardous waste. Your vehicle must have a valid Transfer Station sticker to participate. NO EXCEPTIONS! For a list of items accepted, view the 2020 HHW flyer here. Upon entering the Town Highway Garage with your household hazardous waste item(s), do not remove the waste from your vehicle! Stay in your vehicle. An attendant will verify if it is an acceptable waste, and if so, they will remove it from your vehicle. The Town reserves the right to reject any liquid, material or substance, which in the opinion of the Transfer Station Assistant Foreman, constitutes a serious hazard to other users of the facility, to the property of the Town or its employees.

Beautify Bedford The Bedford Energy Commission, The Department of Public Works, and many residents organized by former Councilor Rombeau have started a grassroots effort to clean up Bedford Roadsides during this unique time. This is a great way to show community spirit and to get out of the house while also maintaining social distances and we thank the community for wanting to take this on. Please be safe along the road and where gloves and reflective or bright colored clothing. The Energy Commission has created a map where you can sign up for an area or register an area you have already completed. Reflective vests, trash bags, grabbers, and warning signs are available at the Transfer Station on a first come first use basis. DPW will also attempt to pick up the filled bags if you make PRIOR arrangements with our team by emailing us at in advance of your clean-up event, but we would prefer if you disposed of the materials yourself at the Transfer Station if possible.

Parks and Recreation The Parks Division completed the crack sealing and resurfacing of the County Road Tennis Courts and the courts are now open for play. The basketball courts, fields, and playgrounds are also open. These spaces are not sanitized, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Japanese Knotweed DPW is in the second year of an effort to control the invasive Japanese Knotweed. It is a fast growing, aggressive invasive plant species that can be incredibly damaging to the environment, both natural and manmade. Japanese Knotweed plants are replacing native plants; covering guardrails, fire hydrants, roads signs; and are interfering with storm water flow in roadside ditches. Eradication of the Japanese Knotweed is done by chemically treating the affected areas in the late summer/early fall. Treatment areas schedule for 2020 can be seen on the map:

All DPW Permitting is now available On-Line! For all permits that are issued by DPW (driveway, street opening, deduct water meter, residential and commercial sewer) property owners and contractors can now create an account and apply for these permits through the PermitLink on-line permitting portal. This link can be found on the Public Works website:

Library Improvements The Facilities Division of DPW has awarded a contract for the exterior painting of the Town Library. Work is expected to commence soon, and is scheduled for completion by the end of July.

Joppa Hill Farm The Joppa Hill Educational Farm Drainage Improvement Project is expected to start the end of June and last a few weeks.

2020 Roads Program Updates: The Donald Street area has been completed and work continues in the Blanford Place and Hitching Post Road areas. Updates on upcoming paving throughout the summer can be found at No impact on traffic is anticipated.

The South River Road Corridor and Utility Improvement Project includes a sewer line extension along South River Road, a new connector road (Foster Place), and reclaiming and paving of nine side streets in the area. This work is anticipated to start at the end of June and continue throughout the summer. South River Road traffic will be impacted in late June for approximately one week while the sewer crossing work is done. Advisory signage and flaggers will be in place to assist motorists.

The Highway Division striped several stop bars and cross walks in Town. A stripping contractor will complete the roadway centerlines, travel way lines, parking spaces, arrows and symbols. This work is expected to occur overnight, and start in July.

55 Constitution Drive Bedford, NH 03110 l P: (603) 472-3070 l Email:



The Town of Bedford is working to improve several key areas of its integral roadways.    

© 2023 by the Town of Bedford, New Hampshire

55 Constitution Drive, 2nd Floor

Bedford, NH   03110

(603) 472-3070

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