Work on Route 101 will continue until further notice. Anticipating to work until late December or longer depending on weather. During that time expect utility work at the intersection of Route 101 and Meetinghouse Rd. The crews there are working on temporary signal relocation for future traffic pattern changes anticipated for the spring of 2018. Fairpoint will continue to work on their underground telephone relocations as well as some overhead relocations. Eversource will be finishing the transfer of their wires to the new poles between Nashua Rd. and Wallace Rd., at which time Comcast and Fairpoint will be working on their transfers. Work will continue on the excavation and slope work of the detention basin between Meetinghouse Rd. and Liberty Hill Rd. The surcharge along the swamp in this same area will be completed in the next several weeks. The traffic control barrier will be in place through the winter, motorist are advised to use caution particularly during inclement weather. Drainage crews will continue installing drainage infrastructure between Meetinghouse Rd. and Nahua Rd. Daily lane shifts will be implemented to allow room for this work to take place.